lawak-lawak :D

cerita 1 :

* Di dalam sebuah bas duduk seorang pemuda dan seorang nenek. Si nenek memicit-micit kepalanya.

Pemuda : Kenapa nie nek . Pening ya ?

Nenek : Ya nak , rasanya kepala pening , perut mual , rasa macam nak muntah . Oh , ya nak ! bolehkah nenek melihat muka kamu sebentar ?

* Pemuda itu terkejut tapi kemudian tersenyum ,

Pemuda : Boleh nek , tapi kenapa ?

Nenek : Kalau nenek tengok muka kamu , boleh nenek mutah cepat siket ! Tade laa , nenek pening-2 macam nie .

cerita 2 :

tijah ingin memutuskan perhubungan dengan boyfriendnya * orang putih . dia tak sanggup bertemu muka , lalu dia pun mengutus surat :

Heyy ! My motive write this letter is to give know you something . I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US . I have think about this very cook . I know i clap one hand only . Correctly , i have see you and she together at town with my eyes self . You always request apology back back . I don’t trust you again !! My Friend speak you play three wood .

Now i know you correct correct play three wood . So , i break off to pull my body from this love triangle . I know this result i pick is very correct , because you love she very high from me . So , i break off to go far from here . But i always love where also i live . Safe live !
